Learning Springsteen on my Language App

I’m delighted to be a joint winner of the Geoff Stevens Memorial Poetry Prize 2022 with my latest collection, Learning Springsteen on my Language App.

This is published by Indigo Dreams and you can buy a copy (thank you!) here.

Here’s a sample poem…

The Finishing Touch 

Sometimes you think you’d like

to live in a perfectly white house,

white walls, white floors,


no pencil marks to mark how

the kids grew up too fast,

dog hairs impossible to brush off,


red wine stains from that party,

and pictures so familiar that if they flew off

walls, you could paint them back yourself.


There’s silence in your white house,

it smells of … nothing. No messy meals

shared there, no familiar cushions to stroke,


it’d be like floating on a cloud,

like all those times you’ve looked down

from a plane, longing to jump out,


to let the air hold you until

you were ready to step back into life.




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