ink & inspiration

30 days of everyday writing

These prompts are designed to loosen up your words and lock your censor critic on the other side of the wall. Every morning for the next thirty days, you can get an idea, a word, a fragment here to help you get writing. It couldn’t be simpler, and only takes six minutes. These prompts are just for you, but if you’d like to share your writing, or how it’s going for you, use the hashtag #30everydaywords.

How to do it

Read the prompt for the day, pour yourself some coffee or tea (or wine), find your journal and pen, set your timer for six minutes, and start writing. That’s it. There’s no wrong way to do it. 

Our only rule is to keep your hand moving. If you get stuck come back to the prompt and start again, and if you really can’t think of anything to say, than just write that. I can’t think of anything to say, until something comes. It will.

The wonderful Natalie Goldberg calls this kind of freewriting, ‘First Thoughts’ – and as she says: keep your hand moving, don’t cross out, just get it on paper.

You can look later on at what to do with all these words you’ll be writing this month, but for now just enjoy six minutes of you and your journal! The idea behind these prompts is to create a habit, to enjoy the process of writing and if you learn something about yourself, along the way then that’s all good! 




how to freewrite without fear